Stimulus coding with HDDMRegression

Note: This tutorial is more advanced. If you are just starting you might want to head to the demo instead.

In some situations it is useful to fix the magnitude of parameters across stimulus types while also forcing them to have different directions. For example, an independent variable could influence both the drift rate v and the response bias z. A specific example is an experiment on face-house discrimination with different difficulty levels, where the drift-rate is smaller when the task is more difficult and where the bias to responding house is larger when the task is more difficult. One way to analyze the effect of difficulty on drift rate and bias in such an experiment is to estimate one drift rate v for each level, and a response bias z such that the bias for houses-stimuli is z and the bias for face stimuli is 1-z (z = .5 for unbiased decisions in HDDM).

The following example describes how to generate simulated data for such an experiment, how to set up the analysis with HDDMRegression, and compares true parameter values with those estimated with HDDMRegression.

Model Recovery Test for HDDMRegression

The test is performed with simulated data for an experiment with one independent variable with three levels (e.g. three levels of difficulty) which influence both drift rate v and bias z. Responses are “accuracy coded”, i.e. correct responses are coded 1 and incorrect responses 0. Further, stimulus coding of the parameter z is implemented. “stimulus coding” of z means that we want to fit a model in which the magnitude of the bias is the same for the two stimuli, but its direction “depends on” the presented stimulus (e.g. faces or house in a face-house discrimination task). Note that this does not mean that we assume that decision makers adjust their bias after having seen the stimulus. Rather, we want to measure response-bias (in favor of face or house) while assuming the same drift rate for both stimuli. We can achieve this for accuracy coded data by modeling the bias as moved towards the correct response boundary for one stimulus (e.g. z = .6 for houses) and away from the correct response boundary for the other stimulus (1-z = .4 for faces).

First, we need to import the required python modules.

import hddm
from patsy import dmatrix  # for generation of (regression) design matrices
import numpy as np         # for basic matrix operations
from pandas import Series  # to manipulate data-frames generated by hddm

We save the output of stdout to the file ModelRecoveryOutput.txt.

import sys
sys.stdout = open('ModelRecoveryOutput.txt', 'w')

Creating simulated data for the experiment

Next we set the number of subjects and the number of trials per level for the simulated experiment

n_subjects = 10
trials_per_level = 150 # and per stimulus

Next we set up parameters of the drift diffusion process for the three levels and the first stimulus. As desribed earlier v and z change accross levels

level1a = {'v':.3, 'a':2, 't':.3, 'sv':0, 'z':.5, 'sz':0, 'st':0}
level2a = {'v':.4, 'a':2, 't':.3, 'sv':0, 'z':.6, 'sz':0, 'st':0}
level3a = {'v':.5, 'a':2, 't':.3, 'sv':0, 'z':.7, 'sz':0, 'st':0}

Now we generate the data for stimulus A

data_a, params_a = hddm.generate.gen_rand_data({'level1': level1a,
                                                'level2': level2a,
                                                'level3': level3a},

Next come the parameters for the second stimulus, where v is the same as for the first stimulus. This is different for z. In particular: z(stimulus_b) = 1 - z(stimulus_a). As a result, responses are altogether biased towards responding A. Because we use accuracy coded data, stimulus A is biased towards correct responses, and stimulus B towards incorrect responses.

level1b = {'v':.3, 'a':2, 't':.3,'sv': 0, 'z':.5, 'sz': 0, 'st': 0}
level2b = {'v':.4, 'a':2, 't':.3,'sv': 0, 'z':.4, 'sz': 0, 'st': 0}
level3b = {'v':.5, 'a':2, 't':.3,'sv': 0, 'z':.3, 'sz': 0, 'st': 0}

Now we generate the data for stimulus B

data_b, params_b = hddm.generate.gen_rand_data({'level1': level1b,
                                                'level2': level2b,
                                                'level3': level3b},

We add a column to the DataFrame identifying stimulus A as 1 and stimulus B as 2.

data_a['stimulus'] = Series(np.ones((len(data_a))), index=data_a.index)
data_b['stimulus'] = Series(np.ones((len(data_b)))*2, index=data_a.index)

Now we merge the data for stimulus A and B

mydata = data_a.append(data_b, ignore_index=True)

Setting up the HDDM regression model

Next we need to ensure that the bias is z for one stimulus and 1-z for the other stimulus. This is implemented here for all stimulus A trials and -1 for stimulus B trials. We use the patsy command dmatrix to generate such an array from the stimulus column of our simulated data

def z_link_func(x, data=mydata):
    stim = (np.asarray(dmatrix('0 + C(s, [[0], [1]])',
                              {'s': data.stimulus.loc[x.index]}))
    # Apply z = (1 - x) to flip them along 0.5
    z_flip = stim - x
    # The above inverts those values we do not want to flip,
    # so invert them back
    z_flip[stim == 0] *= -1
    return z_flip

(NOTE: earlier versions of this tutorial suggested applying an inverse logit link function to the regression, but this should no longer be used given changes to the prior on the intercept.)

Also depending on your python version, the above code may give you errors and you can try this instead:

def z_link_func(x, data=mydata):
    stim = (np.asarray(dmatrix('0 + C(s, [[0], [1]])',
                              {'s': data.stimulus.loc[x.index]},return_type='dataframe'))
    # Apply z = (1 - x) to flip them along 0.5
    z_flip = np.subtract(stim, x.to_frame())
    # The above inverts those values we do not want to flip,
    # so invert them back
    z_flip[stim == 0] *= -1
    return z_flip

Now we set up the regression models for z and v and also include the link functions The relevant string here used by patsy is ‘1 + C(condition)’. This will generate a design matrix with an intercept (that’s what the ‘1’ is for) and two dummy variables for remaining levels. (The column in which the levels are coded has the default name ‘condition’):

z_reg = {'model': 'z ~ 1 + C(condition)', 'link_func': z_link_func}

For v the link function is simply x = x, because no transformations is needed. [However, you could also analyze this experiment with response coded data. Then you would not stimulus code z but v and you would have to multiply the v for one condition with -1, with a link function like the one for z above, but with out the additional logit transform ]:

v_reg = {'model': 'v ~ 1 + C(condition)', 'link_func': lambda x: x}

Now we can finally put the regression description for the hddm model together. The general for this is [{'model': 'outcome_parameter ~ patsy_design_string', 'link_func': your_link_function }, {...}, ...]

reg_descr = [z_reg, v_reg]

The last step before running the model is to construct the complete hddm regression model by adding data etc.

m_reg = hddm.HDDMRegressor(mydata, reg_descr, include='z')

Now we start the model, and wait for a while (you can go and get several coffees, or read a paper).

m_reg.sample(5000, burn=200)

Comparing generative and recovered model parameters

First we print the model stats


Here is the relevant output for our purposes (in this case I fit a single subject, ie. I set n_subjects =1 above)

                          mean        std       2.5q       25q        50q       75q     97.5q       mc err

a                        2.01142  0.0326427    1.94747   1.98924    2.00941   2.03399   2.07567   0.00238618

t                        0.296854  0.0077349   0.279701  0.291899   0.297717  0.302649  0.310614  0.000605895

z_Intercept              0.480266  0.0167311   0.449494  0.469451   0.480738   0.49086  0.514289   0.00148616

z_C(condition)[T.level2] 0.120887  0.0233508  0.0740366  0.105916   0.122639  0.136614  0.168063   0.00180898

z_C(condition)[T.level3] 0.213324  0.0215305   0.165814  0.200958   0.213415  0.228675  0.250721   0.00190894

v_Intercept              0.283547  0.0542307   0.172041  0.246596   0.281602  0.321173  0.400883   0.00437291

v_C(condition)[T.level2] 0.0774754  0.0811844 -0.0850003  0.024219  0.0756668  0.130212  0.244286   0.00642687

v_C(condition)[T.level3] 0.22311  0.0846739  0.0460032  0.160987     0.2271  0.290661  0.381936   0.00639282

Lets first look at v. For level1 this is just the intercept. The value of .283 is in the ball park of the true value of .3. The fit is not perfect, but running a longer chain might help (we are ignoring sophisticated checks of model convergence for this example here). To get the values of v for levels 2 and 3, we have to add the respective parameters (0.077 and .22) to the intercept value. The resulting values of are again close enough to the true values of .4 and .5. The z_Intercept value of 0.48 is close tothe true value of .5, and the level 2 and level 3 offsets are also close (.48 + .12= 0.6 and .48+.21 = 0.69). In sum, HDDMRegression easily recovered the right order of the parameters z. The recovered parameter values are also close to the true parameter values, and this was only for a single subject fit - parameter estimates are improved with more subjects.