Use your Likelihood Function

If you have your own LAN, or any class with a predict_on_batch() method which you can call to get back the log-likelihood of a dataset, you can pass it as an argument to the HDDMnn, HDDMnnRegressor or HDDMnnStimCoding classes.

In this document we provide you with a simple complete example.

Such a new model will be called custom, for our purposes. Let’s say we trained a LAN for it.

We need two components to use our custom LAN.

  1. A config dictionary for the custom model.

  2. A pretrained LAN with a predict_on_batch method.

Construct config dictionary

import hddm

Access the config dictionary for all models included in HDDM by calling the hddm.model_config.model_config dictionary. Learn more about this object in lan tutorial concerning new models.

We now generate a custom model_config for our new model. Let’s start with the minimal dictionary that you need to befine.

my_model_config = {}

# parameter names associated to your model
my_model_config["params"] =  ["v", "a", "z", "t"]

# the parameter boundaries you used for training your LAN
my_model_config["param_bounds"] = [[-3.0, 0.3, 0.1, 1e-3],
                                   [3.0, 2.5, 0.9, 2.0]]

# add a boundary function
my_model_config["boundary"] = hddm.simulators.boundary_functions.constant

# suggestion for which parameters to include
# via the include statement of an HDDM model
# (usually you want all of the parameters from above)
my_model_config["hddm_include"] = ["z"]

# choice labels (what your simulator spits out)
my_model_config["choices"] = [-1, 1]

Now we can add extra options, useful for example to improve performance of the sampler.

# specifies parameters which the sampler should tansform
my_model_config['params_trans'] = [0, 0, 1, 0]

# adds sampler settings for each parameter
my_model_config['slice_widths'] = {"v": 1.5, "v_std": 1,
                                   "a": 1, "a_std": 1,
                                   "z": 0.1, "z_trans": 0.2,
                                   "t": 0.01, "t_std": 0.15}

# set sampler starting points manually for each parameter
my_model_config['params_default'] = [0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1e-3]

# set a (reasonable) upper limit of group level standard deviations,
# this can help with sampler stability
my_model_config['params_std_upper'] = [1.5, 1.0, None, 1.0]

Load Network

To make the example complete, here is a code snippet to load in a Keras model. We are simply using the ddm network here.

custom_network = hddm.torch.mlp_inference_class.load_torch_mlp(model = 'ddm')
# any class with a valid predict on batch function works here


Above, for simplicity, we load a network that is already available in HDDM. You would call you own code instead.

from hddm.simulators.hddm_dataset_generators import simulator_h_c

# Simulate some data:
model = 'ddm'
n_subjects = 1
n_samples_by_subject = 500

data, full_parameter_dict = simulator_h_c(n_subjects = n_subjects,
                                          n_samples_by_subject = n_samples_by_subject,
                                          model = model,
                                          p_outlier = 0.00,
                                          conditions = None,
                                          depends_on = None,
                                          regression_models = None,
                                          regression_covariates = None,
                                          group_only_regressors = False,
                                          group_only = None,
                                          fixed_at_default = None)

Initialize HDDM Model

Now you are ready to load a HDDM model with your custom LAN.

# Define the HDDM model
hddmnn_model = hddm.HDDMnn(data = data,
                           informative = False,
                           include = my_model_config['hddm_include'], # Note: This include statement is an example, you may pick any other subset of the parameters of your model here
                           model = 'custom',
                           model_config = my_model_config,
                           network = custom_network)

You are now ready to get samples from your model.

hddmnn_model.sample(1000, burn = 100)
[-----------------100%-----------------] 1000 of 1000 complete in 36.9 sec
<pymc.MCMC.MCMC at 0x149f01150>


Not all the functionality of the HDDM package will work seamlessly with such custom likelihoods. You will be able to generate some, but not all plots.

The utility lies in using HDDM as a vehicle to sample from user defined approximate likelihoods. Most of the packages utility functions have a higher degree of specificity to models that have been fully incorporated into the package.

A tutorial concerning full integration into HDDM will be made available in the near future.